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Indonesian maid for transfer

Getting an Indonesian maid for transfer is an easy experience provided that you deal with an agency specialized in assigning maids, and we provide you with the best service for assigning an Indonesian maid with experience and efficiency in performing all household chores. It is worth noting that some basic elements must be taken into account in the maid such as communication skills and efficiency in work, her domestic skills, and the certificates obtained by the maid, as these matters must be paid attention to; to obtain maids who can meet the needs of the home and the family.

Indonesian maid for transfer

It becomes necessary to have a housemaid to take care of the house while the housewife is working in a job, or is old, or has something that occupies her all the time, and really taking care of the children and taking care of them and doing the housework at the same time is tiring, so there must be a maid to take care of the house and children to save time for the housewife so that she can focus on the important details, and get some time to relax to enjoy with the family and go out at any time, and perhaps the Indonesian maid is one of the best maids that can be brought to the house, and this is due to the advantages of Indonesian maids, as they are able to do all of the following:

The service of giving up an Indonesian maid guarantees you to get a maid who has great knowledge and experience in all matters of the kitchen, as she can cook all the foods, prepare all the drinks, and has experience in the field of home service, cleaning, and child care, and she also comes with proficiency in writing and reading skills, and has high taste in arranging and coordinating the furniture and belongings of the house, and Indonesians are also famous for their honesty. Indonesian maid transfer price
Determining the transfer price of an Indonesian maid varies depending on the tasks required of the maid, her work experience, in addition to the salaries currently prevalent in the market, and the price is also determined based on training in the maid trained in housework, her price is higher than the untrained maid, and it is worth noting that the price of an Indonesian maid transfer is better than other maids of other nationalities.

Types of Indonesian services for transfer

There are three types of Indonesian maids for transfer, these types differ according to training, as there are trained maids, and untrained maids, and the differences between each type and the other are as follows:

The first type is the untrained Indonesian maid, and this maid has never worked in domestic labor services before, but she can be trained in a way that suits the needs of the house; therefore, she is one of the suitable options for some.

The second type is the semi-trained maid who has some experience but specializes in one part or one task of the household tasks only. The worker specializes in childcare only, or she specializes in cleaning matters such as cleaning furniture and carpets, or her specialty is the kitchen, so she works on preparing food and drinks and washing dishes, and she cannot do anything outside the specialty.

The third type is the trained maid who has experience in all household tasks, and has high skills and competencies, and she is the highest-priced maid among all maids.

Indonesian domestic maids for assignment

There are many details revolving around the assignment of an Indonesian maid. The employer must be aware of these matters during the agreement and signing of contracts related to the work. The most important of these matters are:

Salary. A salary must be agreed upon that suits the worker, and the working hours and vacation that the maid will get must be agreed upon; it is necessary for her to have a weekly vacation to take a rest and then return directly to work again.

The maids must be provided with time to talk to their families, a suitable living place must be provided for the maid that is suitable for her, in addition to the fact that it is necessary for the employer to open a bank account for the maid.

The employer must review the maid’s personal papers, most notably the passport, and when the worker completes two full years in the job, she can take a full month’s leave, receive an end-of-service bonus, and then renew the contract if she wants.

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Maids Office for Transfer

If you are looking to transfer an Indonesian maid, all you have to do is come to our office and get a special Indonesian maid who has been transferred, with many advantages, including training, as we have trained services, and they have extensive experience in all household chores and caring for children, the elderly, people with disabilities, and people with special needs.

Not only that, we accept but we offer our services at competitive prices, and we sign official contracts before obtaining the maid, and we send the maid to you to the place you want, with all official papers and proof of identity, in addition to a valid passport, and you can check these papers, and we also allow you to come to the office, evaluate the maids, then choose the maid that suits you and your home requirements, and we make sure to communicate with you to make sure that the maid performs all the tasks required of her.

I want a maid for assignment

The service of assigning an Indonesian maid is much better than recruiting a maid, and this is due to the ease of the procedures for obtaining the assigned maid, in the assignment procedures are not complicated like the recruitment procedures, and they do not take a long time, they can be done in a very short time, and also the assigned maid is familiar with the work, and has taken a long time to get to know and practice housework, so she comes and starts work on the same day, and will not need training or time to get to know the work, in addition to the fact that the assigned maid’s price is low compared to the prices of recruiting a maid.

Tasks required from the maid

The tasks required from the domestic worker are agreed upon between the employer or the housewife and the maid, and we provide you with the assignment of an Indonesian maid who can do all the housework, which no maid of a nationality other than Indonesia can do, and perhaps the most important of these tasks are the following:

The domestic maid works to do all the housework related to cleaning; She cleans carpets, furniture, curtains, clothes, floors, walls, and surfaces, and works to keep the house always clean.

The maid does all the kitchen work, such as preparing all kinds of food and meals, and she also prepares all drinks, washes dishes, and takes care of children and cares for them throughout the day.

The maid takes care of people with special needs and the elderly and helps them perform daily tasks, and goes out with them and takes them anywhere.
Maid’s Rights
Before you look for a waiver of an Indonesian maid, you must know all the maid’s rights that the homeowner must give to the maid. The most important of these rights is to provide her with a suitable work environment, a place of residence that suits you and her privacy, and to give her the opportunity to train to develop her skills and enhance her experience. The employer must also not assign the maid tasks that are not imposed on her, and are not agreed upon in the employment contract. In addition, it is necessary to treat the maid with kindness and kindness, in addition to the basic salary. It is necessary for the maid to receive the agreed upon salary, and to be thanked when she does what is required of her correctly, and if she makes a mistake, she must be guided gently.

Frequently Asked Questions

?Why is the maid waived

There are many reasons that lead to the waiver of the maid, the most important of which is that the maid does not perform the tasks required of her, or the family travels, or the end of the reason for which the maid came.

?Does the maid get a vacation

It is necessary for the employer to provide a weekly day off for the maid, and not ask her for anything on this day. What is an end-of-service gratuity?
The end-of-service gratuity is a financial reward that the maid receives at the end of the contract period, and it is equivalent to two months’ salary or more.

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Indonesian maid for transfer